Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Roughhousing With Daddy

Actual Date: Monday, January 17, 2011

Parker and Brooke both woke up not feeling good this day.  Brian was even saying that his throat hurt.  He even stayed home from work which almost never happens so I knew he really didn't feel good.  I kept Brooke home from school and took her and Parker to the Doctor. 

Just as I suspected, they both tested positive for Strep.  They must have picked it up, despite my best efforts to sanitize, from Ava.  Our nurse asked where Ava was and I told her that she was at home with Daddy because he wasn't feeling so hot either.  She said to call his Doctor, who is in the same building as the kids Doctor, and tell him that all three of our kids have Strep and see if they could just call him in some antibiotics.  Brian called and they did call him in some meds, which he was grateful for.

I was just praying with everything I had that I wouldn't be the next one to get it.  My wisdom teeth were still making them self known and I was beyond ready to get them out. 

Here's some pictures of Daddy and Parker roughhousing before bed time. 

That's my 20 year old cat, Spottie.  I can not for the life of me get a good picture of that old girl.  She is not very photogenic, Bless her heart.  But, she is the sweetest kitty ever.  She's like a little Grandma around our house.  You would think after 20 years she would learn to stay away from wild kids and grabby babies.... but no.  She LOVES them. 
And they love her too.

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