Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day One Hundred and Ninety-Five

Actual Date, Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Look at this Monster! I was inside and I spotted him way outside in the corner of my fence.

As creepy as I think he is, I have to admit that web is pretty darn cool.

After Parker's PT appointment on this day, Brian came home and took over with the kids so I could go to a specialist and get an EKG done that my Neurologist had ordered. He just wanted to make sure that there was no damage done to my heart because if there was, that would mean that I probably suffered from a Stroke instead of a Complex Migraine.

The lady who did it said that she couldn't tell me anything at that point. I would have to wait until the next day to go over the results with the Neurologist. I was grateful that I only had to wait a day but it was still nerve wracking knowing that something bigger could be going on.

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