Friday, February 4, 2011

Day Two Hundred and Two

Actual Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Texas has the craziest bugs!

Look at this little guy. These things are everywhere. You can literally see them crawling all over the road when you are stopped at a stop light. It kinda makes my skin crawl when you see that many of them at once. But one on one, I can handle that.

Yikes! He's looking at me! He's so cute and soft and fluffy though. I can handle this.

Brooke had caught him and put him in the Frisbee to be held captive as we all took turns feeling how soft he was.

I decided it was time to let him go after Ava tried to pick him up between her two "pinching fingers" and just about squished the ever loving life out of him.

There he goes. Good bye little wiggle worm!

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