Monday, July 19, 2010

Day Sixty-Six

Actual Date: Sunday, May 30, 2010
Now since we were all together (my husband's side of the family) I wanted to get some pictures of the kids with the family. Sadly, Brian wasn't with us because he had left a few days before to go back to work so we didn't get any of him. But I am excited for the one's we got with Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Chris, Auntie Jen and of course "Cousin Chloe." These were so fun to do and I'm so happy we have them.

After we got done taking pictures everyone was hot and hungry so we headed back to Chris and Jen's to have some lunch and watch the kids play in the yard.
Here is Parker sitting up for the very first time on his own. He had been working so hard on this at physical therapy. He had a bad habit of extending (throwing himself back) instead of turning his head (he couldn't because of the Torticollis) to see what was behind him. As a result his back muscles became really strong and he had little to no stomach muscle control. But that's all changed. Look out ladies! He's sitting up now, those abs will be turned into a six pack in no time!
"Helmet laws are a bummer"
Soon after this picture was taken he took a header off of the stair into the grass. Good thing he was wearing the helmet! Juuuust kidding he's ok, it just scared him.

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