Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day Sixty-Nine

Actual Date: Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Everyone was excited on this morning because we got to go see Garenn and Karlana walk in the "Bridge Program." I'm not sure what it's all about but basically the idea behind it is that the graduating Seniors walked hand in hand with the graduating Kindergartners. It was actually pretty cool to watch. And Karlana and Garenn got to walk together which was also awesome!
Here's the little stud ready for the day. Class of 2022! Am I the only one freaked out by this? I thought they were going to stay babies forever!There they are!Garenn and RugerThe graduates! I am so proud of them both! Garenn, Chels & Kar

After the ceremony we all headed to Pizza Factory and had some Hawaiian pizza. Best-pizza-ever.period.

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