Friday, July 23, 2010

Day Seventy-Three

Actual Date: Sunday, June 6, 2010As soon as I woke up on this day I knew that it was going to be a rough one. I had the worst migraine I have had in a long time. I tried to get everyone up and ready for church but I made it as far as the living room couch before I knew I couldn't do it. Luckily I was staying at my Grandma's and she helped with the kids. Then Chelsea, who lives right next door, came over and took one look at me and told me to get back in bed. She suffers from frequent migraines so I think she could feel my pain. They offered to watch the kids for me for a few hours until they had to leave for church. So I crawled back into bed and pulled the covers up over my head.

About four hours later I woke up. The first thing I noticed was that my headache was gone. The second was the time. Everyone should have left for church hours ago! I quick got up and looked around the house and no one was there. Then I went outside and saw my Mom and Grandma watching Ava and Parker. Apparently my Mom and Grandma stayed to take care of the kids and Chelsea took her kids and Brooke to church. What life savers they all all. (Thanks again guys!)

After Chelsea got back from church with the kids, she said they had to leave in an hour or so to head to a birthday party for one of Garenn's friends and she wanted to know if she could take the girls. Ava was beyond tired and was asking for a nap so she just took Brooke. And as you can tell from the above picture. She had a blast.
With Brooke gone and Ava down for a nap I had time to clean out my car (what a nightmare after all the time we'd been spending in it recently), and pack for the beach trip we were planning for the next day.

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