Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day One Hundred and Eight

Actual Date: Sunday, July 11, 2010What a beautiful sunrise! After a long night that sunrise was such a reward. Not only was it beautiful but it marked the beginning of a new day and we had almost reached our destination!We're here! Ava could not wait to get out and ride bikes. It's hard for her to sit still on that 21 hour drive but she did pretty good this time.I love this picture of the girls. From top left to the bottom that is: My Grandma Leona, her sister Ginny, and my cousin Cindi And here's all the "kids" eating their Popsicles.
(Abe, Jacob, DJ, Garenn, Brooke, Ava, Ryan and Tanner)

Rare moment caught on camera, Ava sitting still for more than two seconds. She missed her "Gwama Cin-E." Look at this little man. Aren't his eyes to die for. This is my Great Uncle DJ and Great Aunt Anne's little boy Ryan. He is so sweet. Full of hugs and smiles!

After we all got showered and the car unpacked we headed over to my Mom's to start getting things ready for my Papa's funeral. My Grandma Helen, Aunt Pat and Uncle Bobby were all waiting over there to have dinner with us as well. It was so good to get to see them and spend time with them.

Then there's these two little monsters up to no good.

They are both wearing mine and Chelsea's Army hats that we got from Abe for Christmas way back when he was at West Point in 01'.

I am so grateful that my amazing family all pulled together and helped get all the pictures and every little last detail planned for my Papa's funeral. Thank you guys. We could not have done it without you. You guys went above and beyond. Look at poor little Ginny there with her broken hand. She's such a trooper.
After everyone was worn out from working and playing so hard, dinner was ready thanks to my Dad and Sous Chef Abraham. There were so many of us there we had to lay a blanket down just for the kids to have a place to sit. How cute are they? My Mom had these made for the little family reunion. Classic! I love my little Hill Billy Family!
My Mom's side of the family had planned about a month before to all head out to California and get together. I was really sad that we were going to miss it because we had just gone home after spending a month in California ourselves. Luckily we were able to make it back out there for the funeral and to see everyone. It's crazy how God's timing worked out that they were able to be there during this rough time of losing my Grandpa Jim. It was such a blessing to have them there.
Even the kids got in on it!After we got done eating we decided we should probably get our kids home and in bed since it had been such a long day. Not to mention that I had been awake for about 33 hours straight at this point. Poor little Parker boy had started to run a fever that afternoon too. He got up to 104.2* even with rotating Tylenol and Ibuprofen and using a cool wash cloth to cool him down. I felt so bad for him. He was just miserable. Just look at him in that picture. He looks so uncomfortable.

When we got back to my cousin Chelsea's (where we were staying) he was just not acting right. He was pretty lethargic and out of it. It was making both Brian and I pretty uncomfortable so we left the girls with Chris and Chelsea and headed to the Urgent Care with Parker.

After waiting in the Urgent Care for a few hours we finally got in to see the Doctor. Oh man was he crazy. He asked me how much Parker normally ate in a day and when I told him he told me that I was way over feeding him... Really? Look at the kid. He had just been at the doctor for his check up the week before and he's in the 29% for his age group. Far from over weight. Plus the doctor himself was about 100 pounds over weight which I found somewhat funny but anyways... He said that Parker had a throat infection. He gave us some prescriptions and sent us on our way.
We got back to the house a little after 1 in the morning, got the little man cleaned up and ready for bed. His fever had gone down a little but he was still really uncomfortable. Thankfully he fell asleep pretty soon after we got home so Brian and I were able to get to bed ourselves. I set my timer so I would wake up in a few hours to give Parker some more fever reducer and finally got some sleep after being awake for about 42 hours straight. I have no idea how I was able to do that. I hoped when I woke up Parker was feeling better and I would be rested up enough to go with the girls and the rest of the family to Legoland in the morning.

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