Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day Ninety-Five

Actual Date: Monday, June 28, 2010
We hit the ground running this day. After we got all dressed and ready for the day we headed over to the dance store again to grab one last thing before Brooke's very first dance class tonight.
After that we headed back across town to the doctor's office. I scheduled all of the kids check ups at the same time to get it all out of the way at once. It was so funny to get the reminder call about the appointments, "This is a reminder for: Brooke, Ava, Parker, for their appointment with Dr. Sweet at 1:00, 1:20, 1:40..." They might as well have said "we've blocked off the whole 1 O'clock hour for ya!"
Everything went well at the doctor's. Ava was the only one who lucked out and didn't have to get shots. But the other two took it pretty good. Once again Brooke didn't cry. The girl never cries when she gets shots! Ever since she was like 18 months. She flinches but doesn't cry. She's never even cried during any of her allergy scratch tests either. The nurses can never believe it. She's one tough cookie.
So here's the stats:
Brooke @ 4 years and 1 month: 39.5 pounds (79% for her age), 41.5 inches (82% for her age. She's always been so tall!). She passed both her hearing and eye exam with flying colors.
Ava @2 years and 1 month: 28.1 pounds (62% for her age), 33.5 inches (34% for her age). Doctor says she looks great and doing age appropriate behaviors.
Parker @ 9 months and 2 weeks: 19.6 pounds (29% for his age), 28.5 inches (51% for his age). Doctor was very excited about how his head is shaping up. Recommended to continue physical therapy and start new medication for Acid Reflux.
After we were finished up there we raced home to eat and get dressed for dance class.

Here's the little Ballerina all ready to go.

All lined up.

I am so excited about this dance studio because it is Christian based. Brooke loved it too. She has been begging to do this for at least a year now. After the very first class she came home instructing Ava how to do some of the moves. Now all I've been hearing out of both of them for the past couple weeks is "tap, tap, leg, tap, tap, leg!" It's so very precious.

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