Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day Thirty-Five

We are now into our second week of therapy at Our Children's House. It's not like painful physical therapy in the sense that we think of when we hear those words. Basically he just plays but all the play is focused on his right side, which is his weak side. Then he gets a nice neck massage and does some fun stretches. As you can tell he usually likes that part the best. He almost fell asleep today.
Parker even made a friend there today! There was a young boy there this morning that was in a wheel chair and he had some other issues as well but he was the cutest thing ever. He came in singing "Oh tannenbaum oh tannenbaum, how lovely are thy branches..." Parker loved it. He started squealing and waving his arms around. The boy asked why he did that and I told him because he likes your singing. Then I told him "he really likes the song the wheels on the bus. Do you know that one?" And the sweet guy started singing it. It was so cute because Parker got even more excited and so did the boy.
Being there makes me oh so thankful for the three beautiful children that God has given Brian and I. The waiting room is full of children and parents all on different journeys than ours, most of theirs are life long. As I look around I think boy we're lucky. Sure things are hard right now, we get a few funny looks and rude comments here and there. But, at least Parker's condition is completely fixable. Those parents are amazing for having the strength to get up each day knowing all the challenges they and their children are going to have to face for the rest of their lives. Makes me hug my girls and my little helmet head man a little tighter.

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