Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day Twenty

Actual date: Friday, April 16, 2010

Ava had her first dentist appointment today. Her eyes were completely cleared up, her ear infection seemed to be under control but I was still nervous about how she would do. Ava has been known to have a shall we say "spirited" personality. She is such a ham and loves to show off, but only if it's her idea. So I was a little worried about how she would feel about some stranger poking around inside her mouth.
Thankfully she actually did better than I expected. The worst part of the whole thing was trying to get her weight. She didn't want to stand on the scale. She went boneless and refused to stand. So then I tried to sit her on it and she climbed up me like a little monkey. Needless to say we guessed on the weight. She did surprisingly well with the doctor though. No cavities and everything looks great. But he did notice that she has two molars starting to come in in the back. Poor girl! Now she has 6 teeth coming in at the same time. No wonder she's so miserable.
He gave us the green light to go ahead and start using fluoride toothpaste because she has some white spots that he thinks will clear up once she starts using fluoride. Ava is excited about that because up till this point it has been off limits, only for Brookie. She is actually doing really well with it too. It's exciting for her because she gets to spit.
The picture shows Ava's funny personality. She was so excited to get her prize out of the treasure chest for being a big girl but when we got to the car and started to tell Daddy and Brooke about what a big girl she was, she had to be dramatic about the whole story. I love her. She keeps us laughing. There she is with her farm animals (the prize she picked), her new "Winnie the Poop" (that's what she calls Winnie the Pooh) toothbrush, and a pouty face. Gotta love her!

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