Friday, April 1, 2011

Rocco's Baptism

Actual Date: Sunday, March 6, 2011

Look at those two stud muffins.  I heart them.  

They were watching my friend Kristine's oldest get baptized. But before we get to that let me tell you a little bit about Kristine: 

She's my sister from another mister.  

Seriously, we are both obsessed with the Pioneer Woman.  She was the only one willing to stand in line with me for 6 or 7 hours just to see PW and get her book signed. 

And we both have babies who are allergic to peanuts.  We're bonded for life.  Until you have to live that terrifying reality daily, you can't begin to imagine how stressful it can be.  Everyday it feels like we're sending out babies out into a war zone, equip with nothing but an epi-pen and Benadryl.  Unfortunately, Kristine knows this reality.  We've bonded over it.  We even had a cookie making day recently where we made "Sunbutter Cookies" instead of the classic peanut butter ones.  

They were scrum-diddly-umshish.

We also work together closely on the KidRidge team at our church.  And she and her family are in our Community Group on Sunday nights.  So we're together quite a bit and I'm happy to have found her.  Plus our little kids are close in age so they love to play too.  It's win win.

Speaking of kids, on this day we were gathered together to witness and celebrate Kristine's oldest, Rocco.  He had made the discussion to ask the Lord into his heart and he wanted to proclaim this publicly by being baptized.  

There's Rocco with Pastor Paul in the "Holy hot tub" as Paul likes to call it.

There's Kristine in the blue shirt and her Husband Brandon.  And that is Rocco's Dad the right.

 By this point there was not a dry eye left in the joint.

Congrats Rocco!

I know the Lord has great plans for you.

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