Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Love In Motion

The series going on at our church right now is titled "Love In Motion."  One of the ways our Pastor challenged us to put love in motion was to go out in the community and love on our local Fire Fighters.  

So last week Ava, Parker and I baked a pie to take to one of our local stations.

We ended up going on a day that Parker had school so he wasn't able to go.  But he was excited to go to school anyways because it was Rodeo week and he got to dress like a cowboy and eat "Dog Dogs" (hotdogs) at school.  He was most excited about the "Dog Dog" part.  I asked him if he wanted to go to school and get a hotdog and he said "Yeah!"  

When we pulled up at his school and I started to unbuckle him he said "No, not school.  Costco!"  Poor guy.  He thought we were going to Costco to get a hotdog because that's what we do on our monthly date with Daddy.

Who would have known that it would be so hard to love on some firemen?  Apparently there was a city wide training in our town... we found that out after we went to three empty fire stations.  But the kids patients paid off and we ended up going to the station in the next town over.  

The men there were awesome!  They were amazed that we were there just to love on them and bring them lost of yummy treats.  They gave our group a great tour  of the station and we learned a lot.  They even let the kids climb all over the trucks.  It was really cool.

This is the only picture I got of Ava and I had to trick her to get it.  This girl, I don't know about her sometimes.  She's so goofy.  She will talk to any stranger on the street about her dead cat but when someone exciting wants to talk to her, she clams up.  

She would not talk to the firemen, she would not climb on the trucks, she would not take pictures... But as soon as we got in the car she said.  "That was really cool Mom!  My favorite part was the boat with the gun on the front!"  And all day after that she told everyone about what a great time she had at the fire station and everything she learned.  She's so silly.

We had so much fun putting "Love In Motion." We have plans on how to put some more love in motion around us.  I will try to post them as they happen.  

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