Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day Forty- Seven

Actual Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Well I got a little behind...well a lot behind. We made it to California and we've been so busy having fun that I haven't had time to update in awhile. I've been taking plenty of pictures though. Don't you worry! Here's what's been going on since I last wrote.
For the past few days my 18 year old cat has been acting sort of strange. She's been waking us up at all hours of the night and wanting us to turn on the shower so she can sit there and drink the water, even though her water bowl is full. So I decided it would be best if I took her into the doctor to see if everything was all right before we left on vacation for a month.

Basically after doing blood work the doctor says that her pancreas and her thyroid are out of whack and there is not much we can do for her because of her age. Apparently the medication used to treat the thyroid issues is so toxic that it would probably do more harm to her then good.

I have known this time was coming for years. She's so old and frail that I keep thinking every winter we are going to have to put her down But then Spring comes around and she's running down the hall playing with a stray hair bow that she found in the bathroom (those things are her favorite). I told the doctor that I did not want her to suffer so if he thought it would be best to put her down then that is what I wanted to do. He said that we should give her a B 12 shot and some medicated food and see what that does for her. So that's where were at. She doesn't seem to be in any pain. Just craving water.

The doctor said when we return from California that I should come back in and discuss where to go from here. So I am preparing myself for that day that we might have to bring home an empty cage. It will be really hard. Just thinking about it makes me tear up. We've shared 18 years of our lives together. She's been in my life for almost as long as I can remember. Before I left for California I told her that it's ok for her to go if she's ready, even though I will miss her. I am almost hoping she just falls asleep and dies peacefully. I don't want to be the one to have to make the decision.

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