Friday, May 7, 2010

Day Forty-One

Actual date: Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Prescription for Bubbles

Since moving to Texas back in October we have been sick. And I mean non stop. I don't think there has been more than a week or two that has gone by that one of us did not have some kind of something. Starting with the week after we got here when Parker had a scary episode in the middle of the night where he turned blue and stopped breathing, which turned out to be caused by RSV. Since then there's been Strep throat, ear infections, eye infections, common colds and now pneumonia. The doctor says she thinks it's all starting from the same thing. Allergies! And boy do I believe her. There are times when you can see pollen floating around and other times I've seen cars just covered in yellow pollen. So thick you could write your name in it if you wanted. Hopefully we get some relief when we get to California next week.

On Wednesday, Ava woke up with a fever and Brooke had been coughing since the middle of the night 4 days before so I decided enough is enough I'm calling the doctor, again! I'm serious ya'll (see I'm becoming a real Texan!) the nurse probably knows my number by heart. I know her voice when she calls. Anyways, I took then in and Brooke has walking pneumonia and Ava has strep throat, again, and and ear infection in both ears, again! Are you kidding me? Seriously?

So the kids and I spent the afternoon at Target getting prescriptions filled and picking up new allergy medicine (ours was affected by the recall) and new Motrin and Tylenol (also recalled). We also had to pick p some bubbles for Parker. His physical therapist says he needs to work on reaching up above him and controlling his back muscles (he is still throwing himself back). Reaching for bubbles helps him with that. The girls have had fun playing "physical therapist" to Parker and he loves it when they play with him.

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