Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Are You Missing It?

Last week some time someone posted a link to a recent blog post that really resonated with me.  For a few months now I have really been taking inventory of my life and trying to be more productive and proactive with my time.  -Especially when it comes to my time with my kids and husband.

 The post was titled "How to Miss a Childhood" on a blog called Hands Free Mama.  If you haven't read it yet you should go there right now!  

{How to Miss A Childhood}  

As I read through that list, I'm not gonna lie, a few of those really convicted me to the core.  Even after I've already been making a conscience effort to be less technology distracted.  It was a real eye opener.  

A year or so ago I was in a group that did a study called "The Virtuous Woman: Shattering the Superwoman Myth."  It spoke on Proverbs 31 and how to apply it to modern day life.  I remember one of the quotes I took away from my time in that group with all of those sweet ladies is, "If the Devil can't make you bad, he will make you busy."

I don't want to ever be too busy.  Especially not too busy with things that don't matter.  Every night when my head hits the pillow I pray that I have glorified God, and had some kind of positive impact on those around me.  Particularly my children and husband.  I pray that one day my children will rise up and call me blessed. (Proverbs 31:28)

That is why when I stopped into a local boutique here in my town one day and saw that bracelet, I knew I had to have it.

Anyways, I just had to share that article because I thought it was a great reminder for all of us in this technology driven day and age.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% That blog hit home for me too! I looked into my daughters eyes last night while she talked to me about her day!