Monday, November 1, 2010

Day One Hundred and Fifty-Nine

Actual Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Let me just give you my calender for this day:
8:00 a.m.- Brooke to school
(Work out somewhere in here)
11:30 a.m.- Pick Brooke up from school
11:45 a.m.- Hair appointment! (whoo hoo!)
1:20 p.m.- Parker Dr. appointment
1:40 p.m.- Brooke Dr. appointment
3:00 p.m.- Parker physical therapy

Phew. Those kinda days are rough. And I'm pretty sure I went grocery shopping after Brian got home that night too but I could be mistaken.

But back to the picture! Notice the hair? It's all one color! Can you believe it? I'm sure if you are a family member of mine you were expecting something more along these lines...

After all that, I decided the truly shocking thing to do would be go all natural. And let me tell you it's trippin' me out. I keep catching a glimpse of myself in a mirror when I walk by and it's weird. It's going to take some time to get used too but I think I like it.

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